About the Author

As a young girl growing up in the Panhandle of Northwest Florida, Kathy White developed an appreciation and understanding of both the beauty and power of words. She counts her mother, Barbara Rushing Scofield Wilson, a library/media specialist, and her grandmother, Louise Brooks Rushing, an English teacher from a small town in Alabama, with fostering in her a love of literature along with a sophisticated understanding of the finer points of grammar, rhetoric, and syntax. From the time that she was a little girl, Kathy was immersed in a family culture rich with fiction, poetry, and creative thinking. Even as a young girl, she had her own thesaurus and a dictionary that she kept close at hand. In fact, there was nothing better in Kathy’s mind than a summer day at the Big House on Cinco Bayou accompanied by a lengthy good book.

After graduating from high school in DeFuniak Springs, Florida, Kathy attended Vanderbilt University where she graduated in three years with a B.A. in History and English. Temporarily pushing aside her dream of becoming a published author, Kathy became the mother of four children who now range in age from 35 to 27; has been married to her husband for 39 years; and is now the very proud grandmother of four grandchildren with a fifth on the way. While “The Storyteller” is her first published work, Kathy is excited about bringing her next book, including a sequel to “The Storyteller” to print.